EAN / GTIN #: 07318640045545
3M Catalogue #: MT1H7B2
3M Stock #: 7000108054
3M™ PELTOR™ Tactical XP is an electronic level dependent headset developed for noisy environments where you need to protect your hearing and at the same time be able to hear surrounding noise, like warning signals. The built-in functions of the Tactical XP make it quite different from other active hearing protectors: The user can control and vary the volume function for the current situation. Where necessary, ambient noise can be amplified more than any other PELTOR hearing protector allows.
- Active volume headset which can amplify ambient noise to let you hear the sounds you want to hear more clearly
- Level dependent function lets the user hear surrounding noise and converse with colleagues
- Ghost voice guided menu system
- Last setting is stored when switched off
- Automatic shut-off after two hours if no function is used
- Warning signal when power is low, before shut-off
- Audio input jack for external radio